Those of you who’ve read my blog for a while already know all about Fandom Foodies. For those who may not have heard of us, here’s the rundown: Fandom Foodies is a group of geeky food fans that cook with inspiration from games, books, movies and pop culture in general! You don’t have to be a blogger or professional to join. Everyone from lurkers who just want those sweet food pics to professional chefs is welcome.
Every month, someone from the group volunteers to host a themed month. Everyone is encouraged to contribute recipes that fit the theme, and they’re all rounded up together in a link-up. This month I volunteered to host, and the theme I chose is Roald Dahl!
Please check out this page for more information on how to participate! The link-up site where you can submit your Roald Dahl related recipes goes up tomorrow. I’ll see you guys then!